Start up with a plan!

We are a regional start-up initiative with a wide range of free services for people interested in starting a business in Berlin and Brandenburg. You can expand your knowledge in our academy. In the competition you get feedback and can win prize money. Our network helps you to build up your own contacts for your start-up.

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Logo des Europäischen Sozialfonds
Logo der Senatsverwaltung für Wirtschaft, Energie und Betriebe
Logo des Ministerium für Wirtschaft, Arbeit und Energie des Landes Brandenburg

The BPW is jointly supported by the Senate Department for Economics, Energy and Public Enterprises of the State of Berlin and the Minister of Economic Affairs, Labour and Energy of the State of Brandenburg and funded by the European Social Fund (ESF).

How does the BPW work?

You have a business idea and need a business concept for your start-up? We support you in creating your business concept (business plan or business model canvas).

Every year, from October to July, we offer an extensive support programme for entrepreneurs in Berlin and Brandenburg.

At the BPW Academy you can expand your knowledge in seminars, workshops and forums.

At the BPW Competition, you have the opportunity to submit your concept in three phases. Our jurors will evaluate your concept and give you feedback. The best concept in each phase will be awarded prize money, totalling more than 50,000 euros.

The BPW network is at your side with its concentrated know-how and supports you in your start-up!

From idea to concept

The BPW at a glance - we support you in your start-up project:

You need a BPW profile to use our free offer. Register on our platform!

At the BPW Academy you can expand your knowledge in seminars, workshops and forums.

Our judges will evaluate your concept and give you detailed, professional feedback.

You can find the seminars, workshops and events in our schedule.

The BPW network is at your side with its concentrated know-how and supports you in your start-up!


Start-up stories, events, tips and experience reports - in our blog we publish the latest news.

Three phases - three chances to win prize money

1st phase

11/18/2024 24:00


Prize money: 10,000 euros

Audience prize: 1,000 euros

2nd phase

02/17/2025 24:00


Prize money: 15,000 euros

Audience prize: 2,000 euros

3rd phase

05/19/2025 24:00


Prize money: 20,000 euros

Audience prize: 3,000 euros

Netzwerkveranstaltung mit vielen Personen in einem Garten© Leo Seidel

Support our founders and join our network. As a networker, you can attend our events. As a juror, you can help with feedback and share your expertise during the three phases of the competition.

Logo des Europäischen Sozialfonds
Logo der Senatsverwaltung für Wirtschaft, Energie und Betriebe
Logo des Ministerium für Wirtschaft, Arbeit und Energie des Landes Brandenburg

The BPW is jointly supported by the Senate Department for Economics, Energy and Public Enterprises of the State of Berlin and the Minister of Economic Affairs, Labour and Energy of the State of Brandenburg and funded by the European Social Fund (ESF).